Although every number is a fraction with the denominator as 1 but we don’t use 1 in the denominator as it is not needed. But it might become a problem to find out the ways to write one in Word if you don’t know the ways.įractions are formed when the division doesn’t take place perfectly e.g. Ctrl + = in Microsoft tools (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.While creating any mathematical document, we might need to type the fractions.įractions (a/b) format is frequently used in the mathematics, science papers, financial reports, recipes and many other areas.This technique works will all letters or symbols.Ĭonversely, if you want to put the number or letters at the bottom, as for typical chemical formulas: H 2O, you just have to type: IMPORTANT : Note that you can also use this method to write letters by superscribing as for the abbreviations of first : 1 st or second : 2 nd . In OpenOffice : Same method but with a different combination: Select the number to put in superscript or in power then perform the key combination : Ctrl+ Shift ⇧+ P.We write 108, we select 8 and we do the combination Ctrl + Shift ⇧+ = → 10 8.In Microsoft tools (Word, Powerpoint, Outlook, etc.): The easiest way is to select the figure to be superseded then to use the following keyboard shortcut : Ctrl + Shift ⇧+ = (ie the key " + =" to the left of the Return key).To make the powers or exponents greater than 3 (example: 10 to the power of 4 or 10 to the power of 5 : 10 4 or 10 5 )Ībove the power "3", there is no keyboard shortcut available, it will depend on where you want to write your power or your exponent:

To write "cube", you can press the " Alt " key (to the left of your Space bar) + " 252 ", then release the "Alt" key. To make the symbol "cubed" (example: 2 cubic meters: 2m³) To write "squared", you can press the key located just below the Esc key (the key at the top left of your keyboard), otherwise you can also press the Alt key (to the left of your Space bar) + " 253", then release the Alt key. To make the symbol "squared" (ex: 10 squared: 10²) You want to write numbers with powers (example: 10 to the power of 6 = 10 6 ) on your keyboard, in Word or in another word processing software ? To do so, it will depend on the power used: 1.