Once the Sim's face has been modified, the effects of plastic surgery cannot be undone, but there is no limit to the number of times a Sim can use the Automated Cosmetic Surgeon. The Automated Cosmetic Surgeon does not have an Undo option, so changes made by selecting any of the pre-made templates can only be reversed by canceling the plastic surgery. When this career reward is used successfully, the face-shaping controls from the Hair and Face section of CAS will appear, allowing the player to change the Sim's facial structure. Vu's Automated Cosmetic Surgeon, which is unlocked at level 6. Sims who work in the Show Business career will get Dr. This feature appears in The Sims 2: University and The Sims 3: Pets.

Plastic surgery is a mechanism that allows a Sim to change their facial and/or body structure.